
来源:中国MBA教育网综合报道    作者:zhaojing    责任编辑:zhaojing    03/01/2017


    一.  写出下面单词的意思并完成填空(每个1分,共计65分)

    Group 1 :   exploit:                explore:

    1. It takes great energy to______________ the oil under the sea.

    2. We must ______________ all the possibilities for the solution of the problem.

    Group 2: genuine:        generous:

    1.It was very ______________ of you to lend them your new car for their holiday.

    2.William makes a bow to that lady, and gives her a box with a ______________ diamond(钻石)in it.

    Group 3: temporary:         contemporary:         temptation:

    1.He can't resist the ______________.

    2. He had devoted his whole life to the study of______________ art.

    3.She got a ______________ job while she was waiting to go to the university.

    Group 4:tense:          intense:             intensive:   

    1. The players were ______________ at the start of the game.

    2. There was______________ competition between the rival companies to get the contract.

    3. ______________ efforts are being made to resolve the dispute.

    Group 5:  outlook:       outline:         outcome:        outlet: 

    1.The economic ______________ is not good.

    2.She was satisfied with the __________ of her efforts. 

    3.She needed to find an ______________ for her many talents and interests.

    4.You should draw up a plan or______________ for the essay.

    5. The railway is the only ______________ to the sea.

    Group 6:  infect:         inject:          defect:         reject:     

    1. Something was______________ into my arm and I soon fell asleep.

    2. She______________ his offer of help.

    3. We must clean the wound before it becomes ______________.

    4. Arrogance(高傲)is a ______________ in her character.

    Group 7:contribute to:          attribute to:        attend to:        devote to:

[FS:PAGE]    1.Various factors______________ his downfall(垮台).

    2.You’d better ______________ the children first—they need breakfast.

    3.He______________ all his time ______his job.

    4.David ______________ his company’s success _______the unity of all the staff and their persevering hard work.

    Group 8:   inform:         transform:          conform:  

    1. You must______________ to the rules or leave the school.

    2. I ______________ him of the news.

    3. Success and wealth ______________ his character.

    Group 9:   impose:         expose:              oppose:  

    1. When she smiles, she______________ a set of perfect white teeth.

    2. The suggestions were bitterly ______________ by the conservatives(保守派).

    3. Parents should try not to______________ their own ideas on their children.

    Group 10:  deserve:        reserve:        preserve:       observe:

    1. If you do wrong, you ______________ punishment.

    2. They carefully______________ the behavior of panda.

    3. I have______________ a room for you at the hotel.

    4. I think these interesting old customs should be ______________.


    be linked to      declare     permanent       come apart     protective of

    reassure        identical     obstacle         intense        in general

    1)Infant formulas(配方奶)are almost ____________ to breast milk(母乳).

    2)I'm not a ____________ employee; I'm working here on a fixed-term contract.

    3)A mother naturally feels _____________ her children.

    4)He tried to __ _______me that my mother would be okey.

    5)Young people today are under __ __ ___pressure to succeed.

    6)Carol held a press conference and _         that she was innocent.

    7)___________her work has been good, but this essay is dreadful(糟糕透了)

[FS:PAGE]  8)According to the new research, some birth defects _         _smoking during pregnancy.

    9)Women still have to overcome many            to gain equality

    10)The country’s economy is in danger of             .



    换句话说                      极其困难                  日益增长的趋势

    以离婚收场                  承受得起做某事               …….是明智的

    我的动机                     普遍现象                    和…….相比

    高收入群体                   2倍可能性                     冒险

    社会力量                      第一眼                     英语交谈



    at long intervals:                              at short intervals:

    give way :                                    make friends with sb:

    resort to:                                     put emphasis on sth:

    be entitled to do                                productive skills

[FS:PAGE]    catch a glimpse of                              replace A with B                       

    give sb the go-ahead                        keep up the rapid pace of modern life

    weather the crisis                                 take it for granted 



    (reassure sb. sth., to be clean to sb. , leave…for…, a rainy day)


    2.媒体使公众更关注通货膨胀问题。(bring…to public attention, inflation)


    3.第一眼看上去Lucy 就是一个普通人。但事实上,她对音乐有非凡的天分。(at first glance, exceptional)


    4.他的行为应该受到谴责而不是忽视。(blame,  ignorance)


    5.人口爆炸绝不仅仅是人数增长的问题,这是关系到人类生存的重要问题。(more than,  vital problem)




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